Wednesday, October 29, 2008

First 9 Weeks...

So I've completed the first nine weeks as a school teacher...I thought it would never get here. I must say it's been pretty good so far, definitely had it's ups and downs. I know when it came time for nine weeks tests I started sweating a little bit. I found out that we were going to have to turn in grade analysis sheets, which basically said how many A's, B's, C's, etc. we had. I started asking my self, have I been too easy? Or too hard on the kids? Then our senior high football team had an away game during the nine weeks test week, and because of a shortage of buses, the test schedule was split over a weekend. After the tests though the results showed that I've done OK so far. Only a few A's, and fewer F's, everyone else seemed to fall in the B and C range. Sure I wish that the majority of students were in the A and B range, but it seems like all the grade proportion bell curves that you see fit my class. I must admit, I've learned a lot in the first nine weeks, and I can say most of the things I have learned have been for the better.

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